Practitioner Lecture of the Free Campus Competition Program (PKKM) Course: Plant Anatomy – Flower, Fruit, and Seed Structure

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On May 28 and 29, 2024, the Biology Education Study Program conducted a practitioner lecture activity as part of the Free Campus Competition Program (PKKM). This activity took place online, held in two sessions with the focus on the structure of flowers, fruits, and seeds. The invited speaker for this activity was Dr. Andam Suryanty Ardan, S.Si., M.Si., an expert in biology from Nusa Cendana University (Undana).

 First Day: Tuesday, May 28, 2024.C:\Users\Lenovo\Downloads\WhatsApp Image 2024-05-29 at 23.33.47 (1).jpeg

The practitioner lecture activity on the first day took place in class B with a total of 48 registered students, and attended by 42 students. The activity started at 09:40 WITA and ended at 12:10 WITA. In this session, Dr. Andam Suryanty Ardan delivered a lecture on the anatomy of flowers, starting from morphological structures to the functions of each part of the flower. The students appeared enthusiastic in following the explanations and actively asked questions to deepen their understanding of the material presented. 

 Second Day: Wednesday, May 29, 2024.C:\Users\Lenovo\Downloads\WhatsApp Image 2024-05-29 at 23.33.44.jpeg

On the second day, the activity was conducted in class A with a total of 42 registered students, and attended by 39 students. This session started at 16:40 WITA and ended at 19:10 WITA. The material covered included the structure of fruits and seeds, which was a continuation of the previous day’s discussion. Dr. Andam Suryanty Ardan explained the process of fruit and seed formation, types of fruits based on development, and characteristics of seeds. The students once again showed their enthusiasm in discussion, making the classroom atmosphere highly interactive and conducive to the teaching-learning process.

This practitioner lecture activity is part of efforts to improve the quality of education by involving practitioners from outside the campus to provide practical insights and knowledge to students. With the implementation of this activity, it is hoped that students can gain a deeper and more applicable understanding of plant anatomy, especially the structure of flowers, fruits, and seeds.

Overall, this practitioner lecture activity was successful and received positive responses from students. The active participation and enthusiasm of students in attending this activity indicate success in creating an interactive and profound learning atmosphere.